In order of build up investment portfolio, usually required a substantial result to support. While economic fundamental hit by crisis, that earning for corporation become uncountable. This is why I was mentioned at here, no forecast on lower price of index counter. To identify the value of them, it would need another quarter result to analyst. Therefore, I am always advice next six months only can build up the new portfolio of investments.
Yesterday and today, the results announced by Resort and Genting registered declined. Although the impact of economic crisis derived from abroad but internal economic based seems was followed the down move impact.
The above results highlighted there is no one corporation could escape from the crisis. Of course, there is not easy to maintain the previous results but investors were definitely felt disappointed on it.
I am maintain the "short" strategy on KLSE Future although i was need to pay extra money to maintain the said margin. But i am believe that would not disappointed me in the coming 10 days from now.