Sunday, December 28, 2014
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014
where my stock?
A good song, share with you. Time from day 1 to end day, Where is your stock? What's the price?
門前老樹長新芽 院裡枯木又開花
半生存了好多話 藏進了滿頭白髮
記憶中的小腳丫 肉嘟嘟的小嘴巴
一生把愛交給他 只為那一聲爸媽
時間都去哪兒了 還沒好好感受年輕就老了
生兒養女一輩子 滿腦子都是孩子哭了笑了
時間都去哪兒了 還沒好好看看你眼睛就花了
柴米油鹽半輩子 轉眼就只剩下滿臉的皺紋了
時間都去哪兒了 還沒好好感受年輕就老了
生兒養女一輩子 滿腦子都是孩子哭了笑了
時間都去哪兒了 還沒好好看看你眼睛就花了
柴米油鹽半輩子 轉眼就只剩下滿臉的皺紋了
門前老樹長新芽 院裡枯木又開花
半生存了好多話 藏進了滿頭白髮
記憶中的小腳丫 肉嘟嘟的小嘴巴
一生把愛交給他 只為那一聲爸媽
時間都去哪兒了 還沒好好感受年輕就老了
生兒養女一輩子 滿腦子都是孩子哭了笑了
時間都去哪兒了 還沒好好看看你眼睛就花了
柴米油鹽半輩子 轉眼就只剩下滿臉的皺紋了
時間都去哪兒了 還沒好好感受年輕就老了
生兒養女一輩子 滿腦子都是孩子哭了笑了
時間都去哪兒了 還沒好好看看你眼睛就花了
柴米油鹽半輩子 轉眼就只剩下滿臉的皺紋了
Monday, September 29, 2014
從無回头望也不会定論什麼, 數百個陌生人也沒身份和也沒資格 阻我理想. 跟處境比賽 命途沒法割愛。
從無回头望也不会定論什麼, 數百個陌生人也沒身份和也沒資格 阻我理想. 跟處境比賽 命途沒法割愛。
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Friday, September 5, 2014
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Annual Report & Employee
New rule enforce Malaysia PLC annual report must include percentage of type of employee data ( it means include of race of employee). Initially local media hold such responsibilities because in their reported news always highlighted what type of race involved in the incident. In the first place, they should tell international we are Malaysian mandarin language newspaper or we are Malaysian Malay language newspaper. Not like now we are Chinese associate paper. In the reporting they should said how many Malaysian involved in incident , not specific it India , Malay or Cina. Then nation start thinking we all Malaysian and so harmony start consolidate. We are all Malaysian just has difference lifestyle or little culture difference.
So. PLC should highlighted how many foreign workers compared with Malaysian and then analysis the total percentage wages have been paid out to local or foreigner. The percentage of contribution to turnover derived from local or foreign worker. It can help local government to well know the strength of local employee and then provide the suitable courses to improve their skill.
Forthermore, set a rule to compulsory PLC provide the testimonial to leaving staffs to help them to get better job. Enforce the PLC to issue such testimonial as practices and then set up a standard format for them to all the employee. That will help manpower market become more professional and meet the challenge from international. Government link company enforce such testimonial as ISO 9001/2 requirement then help employee well know what is their basic skill require in the working environment.
We should not blame anyone at current situation and government should not create another issue of blaming or enforce some company must employ certain percentage of difference race/ difference colour of Malaysian because all are Malaysian. The main problem derived from education system have wrong direction and emphasis the quantity of certificate. So, private institute printing the QE Certificate for market demand and so ignore the quality of certificate.
Government enforcing the testimonial system help to know what skill should provide in the school to help our new manpower easy to get the job. Based on the testimonial government well know that is it the corporate not given enough support to the lower range staff sufficient training and then purposely lower down the salary.
Corporate should well know of the basic jobs requirement in the business and then may not misuse/waste of manpower. If our mind still remain/set in 50an or 60an years ago to meet the current economic environment then we are worst and finally all population will suffer in the normal lifestyle with low pay.
Interesting are Annual Report content of Directors Remuneration but no one shareholders query on that as well as the SC also, What is the meaning for it? Is it allow the Shareholders or SC to stop them pay high salary to directors or certain percentage must fixed, like every dollar pay out to directors must multiple 2 times for human resources planning. So, we will know whether the directors are come to grab money or really assist company to growing up. SC should set up a rule, related party should not allow to vote on directors remuneration for related directors if the salary more than 20 times above of average salary for low range staff in the company. Example, if office boy and cleaner average salary is 1,200 per month, then maximum pay out for director is 24,000 per month (Inclusive of others benefit) to each director. If directors are related, sum up also not allow more than 20 times. More than that such full amount/every single cents must obtain the minority interest approval in the AGM. So, the minority will vote for directors skills and talent in the AGM and approval attached with set up the provident funds for training staffs or human resources funds must be established after the approval.
Example, 100 million remuneration for Directors then the human resources expenses scheme must have 200 million reserve or 200 million have spend through out the years for training of employee.
Corporate should well know of the basic jobs requirement in the business and then may not misuse/waste of manpower. If our mind still remain/set in 50an or 60an years ago to meet the current economic environment then we are worst and finally all population will suffer in the normal lifestyle with low pay.
Interesting are Annual Report content of Directors Remuneration but no one shareholders query on that as well as the SC also, What is the meaning for it? Is it allow the Shareholders or SC to stop them pay high salary to directors or certain percentage must fixed, like every dollar pay out to directors must multiple 2 times for human resources planning. So, we will know whether the directors are come to grab money or really assist company to growing up. SC should set up a rule, related party should not allow to vote on directors remuneration for related directors if the salary more than 20 times above of average salary for low range staff in the company. Example, if office boy and cleaner average salary is 1,200 per month, then maximum pay out for director is 24,000 per month (Inclusive of others benefit) to each director. If directors are related, sum up also not allow more than 20 times. More than that such full amount/every single cents must obtain the minority interest approval in the AGM. So, the minority will vote for directors skills and talent in the AGM and approval attached with set up the provident funds for training staffs or human resources funds must be established after the approval.
Example, 100 million remuneration for Directors then the human resources expenses scheme must have 200 million reserve or 200 million have spend through out the years for training of employee.
I do believe after someone read this post may scroll me like hell. Haha , I do not care .
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
所有的企业都有工作時间表,当這時间表用在董事或它们的親屬时也变的模糊不清。又有誰來理论呢?还有的是当企业有很多的子公司时,同时也用回母公司一样的董事们,也分配薪資。又有誰问他们怎样分配时间去管理呢?其实可憐是員工还被要求有所表现。那当然员工只是可領一份薪資而已但包括每间子公司的工作。美其名叫multi tasking or 多勞多得。
其实在生活中,我認識不少CEO ,往往看到在正常工作时间他们正在娛乐,美其名是談生意。
Monday, August 25, 2014
In your life journey, you may have a lot of choices, then are you regretted before? Like, when you are driving a car reach a junction so you need choose right or left road . So, when you are made a decision choose right way but actually you may need more energy to drive through that road before reaching your destiny .
As far as I concern, during the choices in front of me I may wrong choice. And when I was young I felt regretted . But now I take it as normal . Because if I insist the way I had choice was wrong then make me confuse whether I should turn back again the same way , it may cause me more time but the end of the result I may also wrong. That's my though only no really may come true . To identify the true or false that is need a lot of scientific testing . Life is so short. Talking about the investment you may have a lot of choice . Buy shares or sell it or buy derivative product to minimise the loss.
But must remember first choice is wrong mean everything is wrong. Then use how many way to rectify is wasting your time . Cut it and then start again maybe is Breyer choice .
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
一个老人無聊的咖啡店里 和我說的小故事。他説有一个森林里有数不盡的資源,不久就吸引了無数的強者進跓,那些强者來來去去,最后也放弃了。那时森林的霸王獅子就組織䏈盟來統治了這个森林虽然有反对聯盟但是或者当然没有遇到沒什么挑战。一晃五十年,当时小白兔们开始一个想法何不換另一个做做看。当这种想法𥲑延开时,就在某一年就給了獅子聯盟一个打击。這种想法一再也在下次傳开,也保持了反对聯盟的資源。其实在反对聯盟里有一隊是魚,一隊是狼和狐狸,一隊是鳥。狼和狐狸是从獅子聯盟逃避追捕而組織起来所以它们的生活方式也同样学习以前的模式。在三种不同生活方式当然免不了会有不同的看法和想法。魚会説我们要把各种各样的生活方式根据美人魚的方式。吵了一陣子,鳥説每个人有自由的權利但別种动物批评它们就会堖火了。狼和狐狸还是为了誰做大而爭吵。不过狼和狐狸把鳥玩弄的無可奈何。而魚就説狐狸是好的,可以做的话継續做下去。狐狸的支持者也包括了獅子们,免子们儍了眼,为何会这样?
說到上巿公司的上巿和下市,究竟是商业計劃还是为了某一个人的利益呢?个人追求盈利本来是保本只因为通貨澎漲。但是往往給某一些事混浠了。所以在馬股sumatech 或pdz之间您会選擇那一个呢?
Friday, August 15, 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
再说一个假像当人们以为駕車是很普通的事却沒有知道那是一个不容易的技巧。您可问一下有誰愿意在重工型工厂工作。那是一部份人的最后撰擇。在工厂成为技巧高的人員不容易。要小心谨慎,不然就易受伤。駕駛一辆車更加不容易,它要眼觀四方还要很多小技巧。精神要集中。当您沒有以上的條件而駕車。是把別人的生命操控在危险的动作。当(理所当然)的思想盖过一切就把它当作必然性,股市就会把您淘汰。因为您枉顧別人的感受也伤害到別人。所以国家以服务业为主要收入而跑在人们的前面,那是会容易形成泡沫。USA & ICEland 就已经发生。
再说一个假像当人们以为駕車是很普通的事却沒有知道那是一个不容易的技巧。您可问一下有誰愿意在重工型工厂工作。那是一部份人的最后撰擇。在工厂成为技巧高的人員不容易。要小心谨慎,不然就易受伤。駕駛一辆車更加不容易,它要眼觀四方还要很多小技巧。精神要集中。当您沒有以上的條件而駕車。是把別人的生命操控在危险的动作。当(理所当然)的思想盖过一切就把它当作必然性,股市就会把您淘汰。因为您枉顧別人的感受也伤害到別人。所以国家以服务业为主要收入而跑在人们的前面,那是会容易形成泡沫。USA & ICEland 就已经发生。
Friday, August 1, 2014
在投资市场里,大股东有二十巴仙控制股㩲就夠了,因为他们在委任董事有很大的影响力。当他们有執行權时就可以慿着一个想像把公司的資源放在一个項目里。有什么好処呢。当他们喜欢時可以制造很多供应商來給新項目,也可以把家庭成員請进去白拿薪金。有誰可以阻止他们呢?当然生意好时也可以把它私有化,用很低的价格买。所以不要相信为了更大的发展而上市。如果真的, 有关当局应该限制大股东儿子以自己的股权把他兒子或女兒(她)引进董事局。那是把养孩子的责任交与大众。当然我们也不应该把人材浪费,最公正的做法是那孩子应该在股东大会面对小股东以爭取大家的支持。不是老爸把它送進董事局。所以当公司以后有困境时也不会把責任丢給二世祖。再想一想如果我老爸有錢和擁有上巿公司我也不要接手。因为人生短短几十年又何必弄到自己這样麻烦。
在不平等的條例下和天下没有free 的午餐。不容易的是要懂得(看的开)。
在不平等的條例下和天下没有free 的午餐。不容易的是要懂得(看的开)。
Write up a post means crashed????
Last two days just started to write something at here, not much intention but just feel bad. But today market start clashed. Why? Is it any related? DJ hit 2 times above 17,000 points but seems like slow down the move, hardly back to 17,000 in the short while, Hong Kong Hang Seng covered the up trend because first half of the year was weak. Two market in the final week of July given us 2 difference direction. Does it wanna to hint something to us?
Just forget about the co-incident, that is not my fault because I am not god and can't predict the market trend.
In the developing of smart phone makes the mobile apps become popular in the market. What is the next trend? It also make decided invest more on apps and make current session registered the profit lower than previous. Unreasonable offer price for merging and aquisition of Facebook, Google, Baidu as well as Alibaba make the market confuse. How to value? Based on what basic to value?
A good investors would said, Fixed assets price is movable and hardly to identified with right value, so that use it as valuation is not sharp for investment. Based on interest rate/based lending rate would be more accurate.
I-PHONE soon launching a new product and why they can continue make the same product with only little bit add-on features. So, is it a guidance to market if got one successful product, Please do not put in good things for first launching. So that you can multiple your profit in the future.
Market need some base to landing and looking for new direction. Like a worker need rest then can continue contribute the effort for future. Why your are want like a machine non stop production????
Just forget about the co-incident, that is not my fault because I am not god and can't predict the market trend.
In the developing of smart phone makes the mobile apps become popular in the market. What is the next trend? It also make decided invest more on apps and make current session registered the profit lower than previous. Unreasonable offer price for merging and aquisition of Facebook, Google, Baidu as well as Alibaba make the market confuse. How to value? Based on what basic to value?
A good investors would said, Fixed assets price is movable and hardly to identified with right value, so that use it as valuation is not sharp for investment. Based on interest rate/based lending rate would be more accurate.
I-PHONE soon launching a new product and why they can continue make the same product with only little bit add-on features. So, is it a guidance to market if got one successful product, Please do not put in good things for first launching. So that you can multiple your profit in the future.
Market need some base to landing and looking for new direction. Like a worker need rest then can continue contribute the effort for future. Why your are want like a machine non stop production????
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Why claims burst of shares market?
A lot of prof said, market seems to be heavy adjustment. But after LEhman brothers case until today already five years or maybe more than that, that is nothing happen on market and more of them hit new high. German new high, Malaysia new record, England and USA higher than financial crisis.
About A YEAR never talk thingy at here, because seem like market got so much of genius, So I better keep quite ate here. Is it economic bubble is there? The meaning of life now under discussion by most of the super hero, than there make the thingy move faster than normal. You and me can feel the IT everyday new and push you and me spend more on that.
Bubble created by you and me, when we chase something and then the manufacturing does not support in the demand period than thingy become expensive in the short period. So manufacturer or developer make more to satisfy us. Until one day we no more strength to chase and grab it, then bubble is bursting until back to normal.
Talking about the vacancy/jobs in the market, hardly to know where is suitable place for you. Now, data protection act applied and JObstreet value the data of me and you sell it at 1.7 billion. Why our personal data can sell such high value. Is it we are entitled to claim from that???? The function of the matching of employee and employer system not value much, but the personal data sold become valueable. Why not one civil government said that or a politician table the new act for ordinary people? Like what apps, because of multi-million of users then become value and take over by facebook.
Law PROTECTED privacy, but the business transfer of data from one to another without any one of the customers' consent/agree. So, privacy become nonsense. Today A working in ABC Bank, President be a client of ABC bank. So A well know the data of President. But after a year, ABC Bank sell the business to DFE Bank, Then B well know the data of President. So, Privacy become meaning less. The operation people provide such info to sales and admin, then sales and admin to convince client to advertise at their web site to earn money. Haha!!!!! Funny people funny world. Got act to protect but everyday sell data to earn money become ordinary activities.
About A YEAR never talk thingy at here, because seem like market got so much of genius, So I better keep quite ate here. Is it economic bubble is there? The meaning of life now under discussion by most of the super hero, than there make the thingy move faster than normal. You and me can feel the IT everyday new and push you and me spend more on that.
Bubble created by you and me, when we chase something and then the manufacturing does not support in the demand period than thingy become expensive in the short period. So manufacturer or developer make more to satisfy us. Until one day we no more strength to chase and grab it, then bubble is bursting until back to normal.
Talking about the vacancy/jobs in the market, hardly to know where is suitable place for you. Now, data protection act applied and JObstreet value the data of me and you sell it at 1.7 billion. Why our personal data can sell such high value. Is it we are entitled to claim from that???? The function of the matching of employee and employer system not value much, but the personal data sold become valueable. Why not one civil government said that or a politician table the new act for ordinary people? Like what apps, because of multi-million of users then become value and take over by facebook.
Law PROTECTED privacy, but the business transfer of data from one to another without any one of the customers' consent/agree. So, privacy become nonsense. Today A working in ABC Bank, President be a client of ABC bank. So A well know the data of President. But after a year, ABC Bank sell the business to DFE Bank, Then B well know the data of President. So, Privacy become meaning less. The operation people provide such info to sales and admin, then sales and admin to convince client to advertise at their web site to earn money. Haha!!!!! Funny people funny world. Got act to protect but everyday sell data to earn money become ordinary activities.
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