Monday, June 29, 2009

Dataprep--WB and Emico

Currently, Market hard to trade because most the penny stocks ha hit higher and suddenly can go down about 25% on few days.

Transmil and Measat lately perform wild but that is good for trading. I am still remember after these 2 counters hit limit up. Dataprep and emico also join in to hit higher. Will it be same happen again.

As a normal population at here, everybody aware we are do not have any chance to chose quality products. So, this few days I am suffer on home telephone broke down more than 5 days and its stop me write any note at here.

A lot investors still in the suffering on recent adjustment as well as broker also needed to chase on some lose payment. It is need some time to recover. So, it has reflected daily volume on KLSE equity market slow and lower than last few weeks.

My stocks in Hand: - dataprep-WB and EMICO

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